Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Discomfort is the emotional indicator that you are not allowing

As long as you are feeling discomfort within anything, you're holding yourself in a vibration where all of the things that you have conjured, and all of the things that you have let the Universe know that you want, cannot flow to you.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks La of Attraction workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, July 25th, 1999 # 335

Monday, January 30, 2012

What are you taking about most?

You will notice that those who speak most of prosperity, have it. Those who speak most of health, have it. Those who speak most of sickness, have it. Those who speak most of poverty, have it. It is Law. It can be no other way... The way you feel is your point of attraction, and so, the Law of Attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel. When you feel lonely, you attract more loneliness. When you feel poor, you attract more poverty. When you feel sick, you attract more sickness. When you feel unhappy, you attract more unhappiness. When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous—you attract more of all of those things.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from Abraham Hicks "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" # 334

Sunday, January 29, 2012

About Babies and the Law of Attraction

Babies Are Thinking and Attracting Before They Are Speaking... Even though you are only months old in your physical body, you are a very old and wise creator focused in that baby's body. And you came with powerful intentions to experience contrast and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational Reality for the purpose of expansion. People often assume that because a child is not yet offering words, the child could not be the creator of its own experience, but it is our promise to you that no one else is creating your experience. Children emanate Vibrations which are the reason for what they attract - even from their time of birth.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 333

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Your Body

Your sophisticated physical body exists because of the intelligence of your cells. And the intelligence of your cells exists because of their Connection to Source Energy.

When doctors and scientists try to find cures for diseases without taking into consideration the Vibrational relationship between the physical Being and Source Energy, they are looking for cures in all the wrong places. If the resistance that disallowed the Well-Being to begin with is not released, it will show up in the form of another and another disease.

Your cells, because of their connection to the intelligence of Source Energy, know exactly what to do in order to become the incredible variety of functioning cells in your magnificent physical body. And in the absence of the hindrance that is caused by your resistant negative thought, that communication stays open to clear, up-to-the-moment interaction, keeping your physical body at peak and perfect performance.

In the absence of negative emotion—and therefore the allowance of complete alignment and communication with Source Energy—your physical body can reclaim its balance and recover from any imbalance. And once balance has resumed, it is easy to maintain with consistently good-feeling thoughts.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 332

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pushing against others leads to suffering, allowing to Bliss

Physical man gets into an uncomfortable place when he concludes, "I and those like me have come to the right decisions, and everybody that's living outside of these right decisions is wrong." And then he spends his life pushing against all those "wrong" decisions and cutting himself off from the Life Force that would help him have joy in his, what he concludes to be, right decisions. There is no one right path. There are endless paths, and the differences in the paths are what make them more and more, and more, perfect. The same old path no longer serves.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 3rd, 2001 # 331

Reach for emotional satisfaction.

This little quote is not from Abraham, but from someone who practices deliberately the Law of Attraction. It is just as brilliant as Abraham! This is in response to a complaint as to why the person did not get what they wanted exactly. They got something close, but not exactly.

You didn't get exactly what you wanted because what you were reaching for wasn't just the stuff, the manifestations, you were reaching for the emotional satisfaction you THOUGHT you'd get from getting what you want. You've got to find a way to reach for that emotional satisfaction first, because unless you offer that vibration, there's no way the manifestation can bring you something that you're not a match to.

On seeking relief

We don't want a condition to break loose and then for you to have a feeling of relief in response to it. We don't want something to go wrong and then you have a feeling of sadness or of fear in response to it. We want you to decide that you're going to direct the thoughts in order to induce the feeling response.

In other words, you are the makers of the feeling of relief. You are no longer asking for the economy to be the maker of the feeling of relief, or someone to buy your product to be the maker of your relief. You're going to start counting on something that you can count on which is your ability to direct yourself slightly downstream instead of slightly upstream. You're gonna start pointing yourself deliberately downstream in order to induce relief.

 Someone who can irrationally induce relief will always have outrageous success. We want you to be irrational in your willingness to produce relief in your belly. Don't use your rationale to line up with it. Use your ability to direct thoughts.
~ Abraham

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Missing your ship

There's an expression in the physical environment that you use to entertain each other. (it doesn't serve you very well) that says, "I worry that I'll go down to the dock, and that my ship will have already come and gone. I'll miss my boat." And we say, another boat, another boat, another boat. You have no idea how many boats are coming to your dock. It's a steady stream, and it doesn't matter how many of them you've missed. The only thing that matters is what are you doing right now in your vibration? And you can tell what you're doing right now in your vibration by the way you feel.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 4th, 2001 # 330

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It is not about getting it done.

People say, "The joy is in the journey," but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it's all about, not the completion of anything.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998 # 329

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nothing needs to be fixed.

Everything is unfolding perfectly. So when you stand in your now accepting that all is well, then from that vibration, you become surrounded by more and more evidence that all is well. But when you're convinced that things are broken, that there is pollution, or that things have gone wrong, or that the government is doing conspiracies... then what happens is you get caught up in that vibration, and you begin to manifest that kind of stuff, and then you say, "See, I told you that things were going wrong."

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, March 7th, 2000 # 328

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cravings and finding balance

Cravings are going to occur to you. So here's the rule of thumb about eating, or about investing in the stock market, or about anything else: If the impulse comes from a joyous thought that feels good, follow it. If the impulse comes from an uncomfortable thought that felt bad, don't follow it.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Portland, OR on Saturday, July 13th, 2002 # 327

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What if...

When you play the What-If? game, look for things that make you feel better. There is never a situation in which there is not a way out—but, out of habit, most people continue to choose the "lack" perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices. But as you hold to your intention to look for evidence of Well-Being and thriving and success and happiness, you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things—and so those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from theAbrham Hicks book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 326

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Go there with you thoughts, do there with your joy. Go there!

An Abraham Hicks hot seater asked Abraham what to do after she created her virtual reality and Abraham said "GO THERE. GO THERE. GO THERE. GO THERE. GO THERE. GO THERE. GO THERE. GO THERE! GO THERE! GO THERE! GO THERE! - So the Universe knows its you!"

This is so similar to the words by Joseph Campbell to "follow your Bliss."

Find harmony with your desires

Contrast helps you to identify desire. Desire is summoning. It's always flowing through you. You have the opportunity of opening to the harmony of the vibration of your desire or not. As the desires are being summoned through you, and you go with the flow, you thrive, but if you use things to be your excuse for not going with the flow, you are arguing for your limitations. We want to show you how to go with the flow. Which means nothing more than finding vibrational harmony with your own desire, and letting the Universal Energy that your desire is summoning to it flow to it through you. It is optimum creative experience

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, October 21st, 2000 # 325

Friday, January 20, 2012

Law of Attraction will do the work

Within the seed of your desire is everything necessary for it to blossom to fulfillment. And Law of Attraction is the engine that does the work. Your work is just to give it a fertile growing place in order to expand

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hisck Law of Attraction workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Sunday, May 9th, 1999 # 324

Thursday, January 19, 2012

You are on the leading edge

Physical experience is the leading edge of thought. The furtherest extension of that thought. You are not at the beginning. You are here on the leading edge, living the manifestation of thought. And as you expose yourself to the contrast within the manifestation, you don new desires which then summons the Life Force.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Syracuse, NY on Tuesday, October 14th, 1997 # 323

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wellbeing is predominant

Sometimes someone will be sick, and a daughter or someone who loves a sick person will say, "Abraham, I'm wanting to help this person." And we say, just hold the image of them in a place of utter Well-being, and trust that through the path of least resistance, either they will recover and Well-being will be restored here, or they will withdraw and Well-being will be restored there.

But in either case, whether they stay or whether they have what you call death experience, the Well-being is always restored. Whether it is someone who has just been bipping along in physical experience who has been meditating, who knows the sweetness of Connection on a day-to-day basis, who says, "Ah, this life experience has been so wonderful and I think I will now turn my attention to another aspect of my life experience," closes their eyes as they put themselves in the bed, make the transition, and they are discovered as having made their transition in the night. Or whether they have some violent experience, where at the gun of an enemy, or the gun of someone violent, or a car crash they make their transition. As they make their transition, ultimately it is still the same experience.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, March 9th, 2002 # 322

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Controlling the behaviour of others

A belief that the behavior of others must be controlled—so that your observation of that good behavior will make you feel good—leaves you feeling vulnerable to their behavior.

We would like to help you to understand that neither the good feeling you find when you observe wanted behavior, nor the bad feeling you find when you observe unwanted behavior, is actually the reason that you feel good or bad. The way you feel is only ever about your alignment, or misalignment, with the Source within you. It is only your relationship with the Source within you (with your own Inner Being) that is the reason for the emotions that you feel.

While it is nice to find things in your physical environment that enhance your good-feeling alignment with your Inner Being, your understanding of why you feel good will make it possible for you to feel good regardless of the behavior of others.

Understanding that the way you feel is really about your Vibrational relationship with your Inner Beingwith the Source within you, with the expanded version of you who resides inside your Vortex—gives you complete empowerment and absolute freedom.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 321

Monday, January 16, 2012

Harmony with others

You have more harmony points with every person on the planet than you have disharmony points, because there is much more of you that is in harmony with your Core than you realize or that most of you allow. The closer you come to being in harmony with your Source Energy, the more in harmony you are with each other. When you think about other people and what they think of you, do you understand that what they think of you has very little to do with what you are? It has mostly to do with the habits of thought that they have developed. It has more to do with them as thinkers than it does with you as the subject of their thought. If nothing is more important to you than that you feel good, you can form a fantasy about someone who is in your life and they will begin to modify to meet your fantasy, because Law of Attraction is a very powerful thing.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks workshop in Asheville, NC, on Saturday, September 5th, 1998 # 320

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Leading edge

You, on the leading edge of thought, are here enormously, creatively involved. There's something so satisfying about asking and deliberately aligning your Energy and deliberately finding the familiar feeling of that, and then seeing it manifest.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Syracuse, NY on Tuesday, October 13th, 1998 # 319

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Worthiness is Natural

Worthiness, in very simple terms, means I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me. Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, July 22nd, 2000 # 318

Friday, January 13, 2012


You created yourself from the components of this time/space reality. You did not come from another planet. For most of you it is (slightly) easier to believe that some spaceship came in from another planet and dropped some of you off, and now, you've really got it going good. And the same spaceship also brought…(oh no, that's the Noah's ark story) two of everybody else. And so, now, you've got the same problem with this story that you do with Noah's ark: It must have been a smelly boat…And how did all those species get on it? (and where did they come from?) you see?

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Kansas City, MO on Wednesday, September 15th, 2004 # 317

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Allow it to come to you

You do not have to orchestrate the path through which things unfold. It's all tended to at a broader level...You just have to get out of the way so that you can see the opportunities as they come.- Abraham-Hicks -    

It is up to you

"We would like you to understand that every person on the planet has the potential to thrill you beyond description and cause you despair beyond description. It just depends on what part of them is most activated in you."


Satisfied with where you are and eager for more

The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But, if you don't feel really good on your way to there, you can't get there. You have to be satisfied with what-is while you're reaching for more.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 5th, 2002 # 316

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You are a match to what you are experiencing

This is always true: What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here's the big kicker: What manifests isn't manifesting instantaneously. So, you've got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy... If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you'd clean up your thinking. But you're not here to be punished about your thinking. You're here to use your thinking—and your focus—to create.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005 # 315

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Thoughts are creating

My Thoughts Join a Powerful Swirling Vortex of Attraction... In the same way that the Law of Attraction is responding to the thoughts, words, and actions that you are offering here in your physical reality, the Law of Attraction is always responding powerfully to your Vibrational Reality. When the Law of Attraction, the Universal manager of all Vibrations, responds to the clarity of Vibration offered by your expanding Inner Being, the result is a powerful swirling Vortex of attraction.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 314

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tipping the Balance

The things that we would be asking ourselves is, "What proportion of my day am I in vibrational harmony with my desires, which means, how much of my day am I happy, glad, eager, fulfilled, satisfied, complimentary? And what percentage of my day am I ornery, irritated, frustrated, or blaming?" And you don't have to do 100%, you don't have to do 90%, you don't have to do 80%. If you could even get around 55% feeling better, than not feeling so good — you'd have significant movement in what begins to happen in your experience.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 11th, 2001 # 313

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It is always between you and You.

The emotion you feel is always about the vibrational variance between where you want to be and where you are. If you're out of balance, there are only two ways to bring yourself into alignment: Either raise your expectation to match your desire—or lower your desire to match your expectation.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, July 24th, 2004 # 312

Saturday, January 7, 2012

You were meant to experience Joy

You don't have to justify the good that flows to you; it is a given. You are of more value in the joy of your cross-stitching than in the struggle of your ironing.

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the law of Attraction Abraham Hicks workshop in Virginia Beach, VA on Saturday, April 12th, 1997 # 311

Friday, January 6, 2012

Allowing, Contrast...its is all part of the whole.

The perfect contrast of your time-space reality will continue to stimulate your thirst while also holding the promise to fulfill every desire that has been inspired. And so, whether you are focused upon contrast in this moment—and so, are in the process of asking for more—or whether you are focused on your breathing in this moment and are allowing what you have asked for, it is all part of the process, and it is all on your path.

Your repeated listening to our meditation recording will allow any problems to move into the background, and the solutions to move into the foreground.

Over time, your appreciation for the question will become equivalent to your appreciation for the answer, and your appreciation for the problem will become equivalent to your appreciation for the solution. And in your newfound ease with what-is, you will find yourself in the state of allowing what you truly desire. And then, all manner of cooperative components will reveal themselves to you in a delicious co-creative dance of Deliberate Creation.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 310

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Long View

Because we know that life is eternal, and we know that there is no ending to that which you are about, if one of you is killed in an earthquake or crashes your plane, or any number of other very creative ways you have found to make your exit into the Non-Physical, because we know the whole picture, we grieve not a moment for any of you. But from your more shortsighted point of view in physical, a lot of you grieve tremendously.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction  workshopin El Paso, TX on Saturday, February 17th, 2001 # 309

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pure joy is your essence

You are joy, looking for a way to express. It's not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy—frolicking and eager—that's who you are. And so, if you're always reaching for alignment with that, you're always on your path, and your path will take you into all kinds of places. We will not deny that you will not discover miracles and create benefits and be involved in creation, and that you will not uplift humanity—we will not say that you will not find satisfaction in so many things that you create, but we can't get away from the acknowledgment that you are Pure Positive Energy that translates into the human emotion of joy.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, December 13th, 2003 # 308

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Feeling good intentionally

Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it. When you say, "It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I'm going, no matter what I'm doing, no matter who I'm doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I'm wanting to see, to look for things that feel good," and the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration—the more the Universe understands that that's who you are! And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Sunday, May 9th, 1999 # 307

Monday, January 2, 2012

One Stream

There is no source of evil. There is only a Stream of Well-Being, which you are allowing, or not. But under the name of righteousness and goodness and religion, you drop bombs on innocent children. And then you say, "It's for the good of all of us." And we say: we don't see that. And you don't see it from your Non-physical perspective, either. It's only in your disconnection that those things make sense.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 26th, 2005 # 306

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So true...just focus on your own connection to Source

No one connected to Source Energy would ever harm another. It's an interesting thing: More injustices, more discomfort, and more unhappiness is projected at others under the name of righteousness, under the name of law abiding, under the name of law, and under the name of religion, than all other things put together. In other words, don't worry about it.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, June 26th, 2004 # 305