Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What does abundance feel like?

Just wanted to share a transcript of a video that has been very helpful to me the past few weeks:

HS: I really want to resonate with the source within me, particularly on the subject of money. I want one signal.

Abe: So when you say I want to resonate with Source, what does that mean in practical terms? How do you know when you are, and how do you know when you're not?

HS: It feels crap & like lack when I'm not....

Abe: So feeling crap is not resonating with Source.

HS: No. (laughter)

Abe: So, so it's a feeling thing. So, can you define it, or better still, can you conjure images that cause you to feel it, & then interplay with us while you're feeling it?

HS: Yes.

Abe: This is the work, in other words, find some way to feel it, because it must be annoying to you when we say that the emotion IS the manifestation. So go get that emotion, And you say, well I could no more go get the emotion than I can go get the million dollars right now, this red hot minute. And we say, well you probably can't go get the million dollars within the next ten minutes, but we know you can get the emotion. So, what is the emotion that you're trying to create here? What emotion are you wanting to manifest?

HS: Abundance.

Abe: But, what does abundance feel like? How do you feel abundance? What does abundance feel like? It's not a very good emotional word. I feel abundant, we get it, but....

HS: Uh, this is where I'm confused.....

Abe: Well, don't be. Just try here, what does abundance feel like? What, what, use emotional words that are equivalent to abundance.

HS: Ease.

Abe: Really good one, really good abundant word, what else?

HS: Peace, excitement, joy....freedom.

Abe: Alright, now get a little more....these are all good, but really focus on abundance, and abundance to me feels like.......it feels like.......confidence.....it feels like.......ease.......it feels like........free......it feels like........flow.......it feels like.......

HS: It feels like freedom. And the fullness of who I really am.

Abe: Because, freedom from bondage. flow as opposed to blockage, so you just wanna keep massaging it & playing with it, because you can't play with those words, & the variety of words that all sort of speak to it, without beginning to evoke the feeling within you. In other words, so as you identify the emotions that you're wanting to conjure, or create, then you can fill it in by saying I want to feel free......during segment of refreshment, Esther was lying on the sofa & reaching for a feeling of freedom, and of ease, and an image came to her mind that she has not thought about in many, many years......of being very young, & by herself, & taking the blanket out between the lilac bushes which was up against a fence, which was a natural little hut, & spreading the blanket, & just lying there on the blanket, in the bushes, and just feeling the Well Being. And as she remembered that, she remembered how it smelled, she remembered how it felt, in other words, she was reaching for a feeling, and clearly found the feeling which then brought a further manifestation of a memory that matched it. You see what we're getting at? Now, in some cases, we might have said to you well can you think of a time when you felt free, or can you think of a time, but sometimes it's harder to go there because thinking of a time when you felt free is more specific than just finding the emotion. The emotion really is the first stage of the manifestation. And if you can get there, and you can, just by using productive words, so let's not leave this easily.....keep using abundant FEELING words. Just keep reaching for them until you find some that really click in for you.

HS: Ok. It feels like freedom, and joy, and allowing, and alignment, and......

Abe: Now, you're doing fine but you're going so fast........take each word & savor it, feel...freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, because usually the word freedom doesn't feel very free to most people, because you're still trying to free yourself from something that isn't free. So, that's not always the case, but usually...... And so, not the best word in the world to use, so find one that feels better & don't go so fast.

HS: Ok. Uh, relaxed.

Abe: Relaxed. Now just stay there. Relaxed, relaxed. What do you mean, relaxed? What does relaxed feel like? What does relaxed feel like? It feels like.....no pressure.....it feels like not having to do anything.......it feels like just giving myself space.........just giving myself, use words, use words to describe it & therefore to conjure the feeling.

HS: And, it feels soothing.

Abe: Soothe's a good word. Soothe, soothing.

HS: Kind of like a bath, a soothing bath. Harmony, harmony.

Abe: All good words. None of them quite on it, but all good words. So keep reaching.

HS: Um, slow. Feel ease & flow. Streaming?

Abe: Right place, right time. Nothing that needs to be done. Everything workin' out for me. Universe has my back. Worthy? mmmm... worthy. (laughter) Deserving. Capable. Sure. Confident. Ease. Good. Fun. Free. No right or wrong to it, just keep feelin' around until something moves within you. Anything movin'?

HS: (Silence)

Abe: Words not so important. What does abundance feel like? What does abundance feel like? What does abundance feel like? It's hard to make that transition, because abundance feels like going & buying something, it feels like going somewhere, it feels like being able to do what I want to do. Most of you, when you're talking about abundance, are in a rather rebellious state.

HS: Yes.

Abe: It's like you're going to wrestle it to the ground & kill it. It's like you're going to conquer the dragons that scare you. It's like you're going.......it's like......

HS: And I'm so annoyed, yeah.......

Abe: And, and so even the word abundance is not very life giving to you because it conjures more lack within you, especially when there's abundance of all kinds, theres' abundance of oxygen, there's abundance of beauty, there's abundance of sunshine out there today on a day that it was supposed to rain. There's abundance of all kinds, there's abundance of clarity in this room, there's abundance of love in this room, there's a lot of abundance but you're not talking about abundance relative to those things. You wanna point abundance toward the escape from the bondage of not having enough abundance. And so you have to play with it until you feel it sort of break loose within you.

HS: Okay.

Abe: So keep going. You'll feel it shift, & it's worth sticking with it until you do. Because when we said to you, you can create this manifestation of the feeling of abundance in 10 minutes, we're not kidding, and this is how you do it. This is how you do it. And it's so worth doing it, because once you find it, now you've got the vibration of it & everything else fills in around it.
So it's really worth goin' for it. It's worth goin' for it, to most people it feels like a waste of time, you should be lookin' at the want ads.

HS: Yeah. (laughs) yeah. (laughter)

Abe: You should be doing something more productive than feeling around with fluffy feelings. But if you are able to conjure the FEELING of abundance, using whatever words that make it easier for you to do it, once it clicks into place, the emotion will become your first manifestation, and then other thoughts will come, rendezvous will come, money will come.

HS: Okay. Well, the next word that's in my head is passion. But, I don't know if that's jumping too far ahead though.

Abe: It really isn't, it's a perfect match to abundance. Because with abundance comes the ability to passionately explore any avenue that is important to you. So, stay there for just a little bit.

HS: (Silence)

Abe: At my most abundant feeling moment in life, this & this & this was happening. What was it?

HS: It felt synchronistic. Um, travel, I was traveling. I felt free because I was traveling. So, maybe I was responding to the outside thing? As opposed to the inside? Um, I felt alive. I felt free, I felt my Source, I felt my reason for being, that's what I felt like.

Abe: I associate abundance with a feeling of power. With a feeling of strength. With a feeling of being in charge. With a feeling of capable. I feel capable. I feel sure. I feel strong. I feel abundant, I feel strong. I feel eager. I feel confident. I feel sure, even cocky. I feel in love with life, I feel zest & vigor, & I feel robust. I feel.......you see how more words are starting to come, more words are starting to feel applicable.

HS: Yes.

Abe: As you stay there longer. And as you stay there longer, finding which ones fit & which ones don't, & which ones take you a little further, this is the work. So, now when you use the word abundance, it's not an empty hollow word. It's a word that has caused you to practice some emotion. Or, even better than practicing the emotions, conjuring the emotions. So, now, think of people that you associate with abundance. And now see which of those words apply to them. They're free, they are powerful, they are sure, they seem to be having fun. They seem to have the world by the tail. They are the movers & the shakers. They are the ones that make things happen. They're the ones that get to do whatever they want to do. They are not limited by money, ever. Their limitations are different than money, and so they can play things out on a bigger stage. And then they have the opportunity to play with more people. And so, and they have the ability to attract to them, or to bring to them, or to hire to them, the best of the best in whatever field is important to them. And so they can surround themselves with powerful people who are big thinkers, who know what to do, who have experience, and so, the more of that that comes around me, then the more abundant that I will be. And hasn't it shifted dramatically, just in this little bit of conversation? So then, so now you're not doing it because you have an ulterior motive of wanting to conjure the emotion so that more will follow, this emotion that you're conjuring is starting to feel pretty good. Now, this manifestation of these ideas is starting to feel good, isn't it?

HS: Yes.

Abe: Esther's been saying, I....want.....a jet! (laughter) So, she's at the airport on Delta, on a big old clumsy awkward jet, that has way too many other people on it with her,

HS: Yes.

Abe: And she's looking out at all these slick little jets. Ooooh, that's a really pretty jet, that's a really pretty jet, oooh I really like THAT jet over there, I really like THAT jet over there. And the emotion, the emotion of the jet is just thrilling to her. In other words, she doesn't have to HAVE the jet, she WILL, she doesn't have to HAVE the jet, she WILL, (laughter) she doesn't have to HAVE the jet, she WILL, she doesn't have to HAVE the jet, to have the FEELING! She only wants the jet for the feeling of freedom. But the idea of the jet is a feeling of freedom. So, she can't look at those jets without grinning. She can't look at them without......and she says ooooh, you know, you just drive your car right up to the jet! You just drive your car up to the jet & you, you push the button & there's your luggage exposed & somebody puts your luggage from the car, into the jet!

HS/Audience: (laughter)

Abe: Oooooh........oooooh! And then, you get in the jet........and five minutes later, you're in the air!! There's no.......(laughter).......there's no........it's just.......total freedom! Total freedom to go where I wanna go, when I wanna go, where I wanna go, with who I wanna go.........but it starts with a feeling. And then it evolves to something even more, to an idea that's even more thrilling in nature........which evolves to a rendezvous with everything that is necessary for the bringing about of the full manifestation. We just want you to let the emotional manifestation ring your bell........as much as the manifestation, because it's possible that the jet will only make her happy for the afternoon. (laughter) It's possible, you see, but all of this time moving to it, is life-giving experience. Yes?

HS: Yes.

Extracted from the Abraham Hicks workshop : Asheville- 09/27/2011

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